So once again, there is no feud going on.
Clique Girlz EP
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 4/29/08
Link: amazon • iTunes
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 8/27/08
Link: amazon
Smile EP
Format: MP3
Release: 10/21/08
Link: iTunes
Despicable Me OST
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 6/6/10
Link: amazon
True Love Single
Format: MP3
Release: 8/23/11
Link: amazon • iTunes
Michael J. Fox Foundation
Type: Charity
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I am crying right now. This is so sad. I wish they could be together.
aw!! Im about to cry, too! At least they're not fighting.
Its not that simple . its the mother keeping them apart now. its not legal. they just arent allowed to talk about the group splitting. either is sara for that matter. i just feel so bad for them. ariel moved on with her group and she deserved to do it but its clear she misses them. shes better off.
Really, it would be best if they said something on camera to the public about the splitting. Then maybe some of the hate would die down.
may i apply here?
omg i crying this is so sad i wish they were together again?!?!?!??!? :[ they miss each other so much
Its a shame to see what happens to the children in this industry .It is just such a conflict to have a parent so involved especially when they have issues such as in this case. Hope lessons have been learned.
I think by now lessons have deff been learned, i hope anyway.
Do you have to make this about their mother?? You don't even know her! No one even knows the truth! Poor Destinee & Paris can't say anything about what happened legally. Lenore did nothing you idiot! Where did you hear that?? From some person making comments?? How can you trust that?!?? There is no reliable source ok?? There is a beautiful moment and you have to be vicious about it. the girls finally say something and you have to make it ugly! Shame on you, you don't even know them. Ariel was like a daughter to Lenore!! If it wasn't for Lenore, you wouldn't even know who Destinee Monroe, Paris Monroe, or Ariel Moore was!!! You can't just jump to conclusion. The girls had a really special thing, and yes it was broken apart... you can't go around spreading rumors that aren't true!! Just let the girls have some closure with out you saying nasty, horrible, un true things!! Poor girls :'( they have to listen to all this hate, just let them mourn on this moment, ok?? It is such a precious thing!!! This is beautiful!! Just shut up with all the rumors!!!!!!!!!
Who are you?? You don't even know them!! So stop acting like you do. You don't know Ariel, Destinee, Paris, or their parents. People like you cause break ups!! Just shut up.
It was Lenore's fault. I asked Ariel on youtube; she told me.
Will you just stfu!!!! You don't know!! Just stop!! Everyone has feelings ok?? How would you feel if someone was making comments about you that were untrue and really hurtful!?!? Honestly put yourself in lenore's shoes. People make her out to be this horrible person but you DON'T KNOW HER!!! So if you meet her?? Then, you can tell me. But my friend Deana and her dad are friends with ariels parents & destinee & paris' parents. They are all nice people!! Just certain people have spread rumors, when they don't even know the truth.... just stop it. Lenore is actually really nice. She's the one who got the Clique Girlz to where they are today!!! You should be happy that she introduced you all to Ariel Moore!!! Think about it, really!! I'm having a revolution here!!! Lol. Lenore fought for these girls to get to where they are today. She worked so hard, she got them on the cheetah girls tour so all of you could enjoy the girls wonderful talents!! Really just think about it!!!
I think the anonymous making comments about Lenore being innocent needs to tone it down a little. We may not know that Lenore split the girls up, but SHE does not know that Lenore was innocent!
Plus, I think EVERYONE needs to SHUT UP about Lenore. This is a heart warming moment about DESTINEE, ARIEL AND PARIS. NOT about their management or anything legal! Jeez!
Uhmmm, thank you!!
I don't understand why people always have to turn it around to Lenore. Just enjoy this beautiful special moment!! Stop hating <3
More tweets about it!
DestineeParisOnly time can heal our broken hearts & restore our shattered dreams. Thanks to our fans for sweet words. :) U r truly INCREDIBLE!!! xoxo <3
about 1 hour ago from web
saramdiamond@DestineeParis Hope u guys are ok :)
15 minutes ago from web in reply to DestineeParis
I'm glad they're finally saying something about it. Maybe the hate will finally cool down.
I love you ariel . Im sorry this happened to you . Its true that she didnt want to be around Lenore anymore. I know this to be a fact , like it or not, it is a fact. I also know she forgave her and has moved on. She loves the girls still and always will , also fact. Im also sorry this happened to the girls. I know they are all hurting. You think its easier for ariel because she was able to move on , but she had to walk away from everything she worked so hard for and loose her friends. You think its easier for D & P because they have their mother all to them selves and dont have all that internal compatition. Truth is ,, its not easy for any of them, also Fact. I wish them all luck and I hope they are in a better place with their feelings soon.
Goddddd..... you people!!! You'll all know the truth one day!! Hah!!! Plzzzzz you think you know. You don't. You just don't... You'll all see.
Okay guys. Look, don't blame the Monroe family. Sure, they are involved siced it's Destinee and Paris will you guys just chill and give it a break? We'll all know the truth one day.
can u help meeh ask this site not to post the girlz personal pictures?
o gosh u seriously come here to ask to put my site down give up its not like im putting bad pics of them what is so different from the pics they put on their myspace to their private pics??
Ariel SAID she left because of the Clique Girlz' management. We all SAW that she said that. And don't give me that cop out about other managers being involved, like some "production manager" at Interscope, or something like that. She said the CLIQUE GIRLZ' manager. That's one person only, namely Lenore. Period.
We all saw Ariel got to sing solo far less than either Destinee or Paris. And her on-camera time? We all know the answer to that one, but consider this one example: Ariel hits this long, soaring note at the absolute crescendo of the song "Incredible", but in the video she's on camera for about a quarter of that note, during which time she's out of focus.
Coincidence? COME ON. Lenore is D&P's MOTHER, for Goodness' sake!
Here's my point: we don't NEED any of the dozens of insider reports that Ariel left because of Lenore to know what happened.
Now, this is not an all-out attack on Lenore. Because of what she says and how she writes, I'm dead sure she posts here anonymously and under other names all the time. And from what she says, I really think she is trying to do what she can to make up for what happened.
But she still keeps flying off the handle. By all accounts, that’s the other problem that Ariel had with being in the band. And I do think that that problem is related to Lenore's evident inability to give proper consideration to Ariel. I've been around the block more than a few times at this point, and I know from experience that these two things are often associated in the minds of many people.
HONEST, I SWEAR, Lenore, I'm trying to forgive you. But please, please don't "bounce off the walls" with these "anonymous" replies. I know it's hard, what with being blamed by so many people, but since at this point you must have some insight into the problem, please try to approach it constructively. More than anyone else, even D&P, YOUR happiness is at stake here. No matter what you think is coming in the "next life", you only live here on Earth once. That's how much is riding on this.
But speaking of how much D&P are impacted by this, here's something else to consider: the calmer and more reasonable you are, the happier your daughters' ENTIRE lives will be. Please think about it. As should be no surprise to you at this point, many, many people care about their happiness besides you and your husband.
Wowwww you seriously have alot of time on your hands!! Get a life.
Not much of a substitute for refuting the points I made. "Par & I can't stop crying." Do what you need to do for your daughters already, Lenore.
Agreed !!!
Can we please just be happy for them?!
Its upsetting to everybody yes, but something bad happened to Ariel I dont care whos fault it was...it never should have happened
And yeah I dont exactly agree w blamin destiny and paris but Ariel did say it was because of the manager...and that was the other girls mom
BUT BUT BUT! Its over now and hopefully ppl can get on w their lives...but yeah there a lot of ppl still mad about it even me. But you get back what you give so whatever happened whoever was responsible will pay for it one way or the other it always works out that way trust me
I don't want Lenore to "pay for it", I want her to be OK; yeah, a little for her own sake, but mostly because I DON'T WANT THE GIRLS HURT, EVEN A LITTLE!! And as important as their careers are, their emotional wellbeing is far more important! I'm not saying Lenore is a really bad person, I'm saying that I've seen the lifetime of hurt and dysfunctionality that people can have just because there were others in a position of power over them that were verbally abusive. I have no reason to believe that Lenore is verbally abusive to D&P, but I do know that people who are verbally abusive tend to be that way in spite of their honest desire not to be that way, and they also tend to have episodes in which they "go off" on whoever is around them the most. I'm NOT saying that that makes them a monster. I just don't want D&P's feelings badly hurt often - it's VERY bad for developing young people.
Ya'll can we please stop arguing?? No one knows EXACTLY if it was Lenore's fault or not. We all just look at what we have and make assumptions. Sometimes those assumptions are wrong and sometimes they're right. In this case, we don't know what went down between them. Whatever happened happend. We can't change that. Please,I'm tired of this arguing and I bet a lot of other people on here are too. So please, can we stop fighting? Please? For the girlz sake?
Guys, seriously. LET IT GO.
That's so sad... I wish they were still together.
Man.I wish Ariel at least had more parts in the Clique Girlz songs.They sang songs (more than Sara) together.They sang a bunch of songs. And everyone loves Ariel. Why is there a point in leaving and having Sara join and then quit?
agree w last comment about Ariel I love her. And yeah ppl are protective of Ariel cause they know what happened but shes ok now w her new band. Not just ok but really great! Whats done was done & its over I hope everybody has a good career and happiness too
Yep Ariel is going in her own direction which is a great one shes so happy now! And yep I feel protective for her because shes a real girl and so sweet...and to think somebody would ever hurt her just boils my bones too
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