Happy Halloween from Clique Girlz Media to you!

Clique Girlz EP
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 4/29/08
Link: amazon • iTunes
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 8/27/08
Link: amazon
Smile EP
Format: MP3
Release: 10/21/08
Link: iTunes
Despicable Me OST
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 6/6/10
Link: amazon
True Love Single
Format: MP3
Release: 8/23/11
Link: amazon • iTunes
Michael J. Fox Foundation
Type: Charity
Hi friends,
I sent a bulletin out a few days ago asking you all to make cards and send messages to my friend Jessica who is battling leukemia. Thank you to everyone who stepped up and made something for her. It's things like this that help me keep my faith in people. You guys are amazing.
Jessica is now in a coma. Her kidneys arent working and we dont know if shes going to wake up. I wanted to send a special message to her family that we are praying for Jessica and you guys. We pray that God will send a miracle, and comfort to all of you. You are an amazing family and have been through so much. I believe God still does miracles every day! Dont lose hope!
Please say a prayer for sweet Jessica and her family. I don't know whats going to happen, but it's got to help a little bit knowing that people all over the world are thinking about them and wishing them love and strength.
I love you Jessica. Sleep for a while, but come back to us so that we can enjoy your smile.
Love & Prayers,
HelpJessicaFight (1 day ago)
Hello guys, this is Jim. I am Jessica's dad. Jess has been getting alot of messages from all of you asking if shes okay. Many of you know that Jess is in a coma right now. Her kidneys are failing. The doctors do not know if she is going to awake. Jess is my baby girl, its really hard to come to the hospital everyday and feel so helpless that we cannot do anything to help her. She is an extreamly strong little girl and we are staying positive and just doing all that we can, praying to god to help her wake up. From me and my entire family we wanted to thank everyone for all the love and support that Jess is getting. Ariel Moore a big thanks. Because of her Jess has been able to smile. So a big thanks to Ariel, and the entire Moore family who has really helped Jess this far. And to all of your for all your sweet comments, and messages to Jess.
God bless you all.
Jim & our enitre family"
Hey everyone!
Wanna know what we're listening to? Every week we will post a 6 song playlist with our favorite current songs! HOT THIS WEEK:
1. Bad Romance -Lady Gaga
2. Falling Down -Space Cowboy
3. I Gotta Feeling -Black Eyed Peas
4. 3 -Britney Spears
5. Bulletproof -La Roux
6. Sweet Dreams -Beyonce
What's your top 6 playlist this week? Comment below! You can find all of these songs on iTunes!!
Destinee & Paris
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