Edit: here's another one! thanks Nicole

If you have any pictures, videos, or anything from the show please send them in! (:
Clique Girlz EP
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 4/29/08
Link: amazon • iTunes
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 8/27/08
Link: amazon
Smile EP
Format: MP3
Release: 10/21/08
Link: iTunes
Despicable Me OST
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 6/6/10
Link: amazon
True Love Single
Format: MP3
Release: 8/23/11
Link: amazon • iTunes
Michael J. Fox Foundation
Type: Charity
New Postttttt :)
Sorry!! I was traveling & working like crazy!
I Love you all <3
November 27, 2009 - Friday
I have been having the time of my life with the girl group NMD "No More Drama". It was Gods will for me to be in this group because this is how it happened:
I was supposed to go audition for this new girl group called NMD and the night before the audition I injured my back severly. The paramedics came to get me to the hospital because I could not move. I was in so much pain. I was medicated and taken in to get Xrays. After my chiropractor saw my xrays she realized I had dislocated my tail bone. I was in a wheelchair and it was so scary because I did not know how long it would take to walk or even if I would. But weeks later I began to walk and get therapy for my back. Then I saw another casting for another girl group and I thought I would try to audition for that one. Lo and behold it was for the same group- NMD. They were trying to fill one more spot. I went in and auditioned for Howie and Louie and long story short - I made it in.
So Now I am part of NMD. I love the girls. We are family now. Ariel, Alissa Mae, Aliyah, Kimi and now ME. I am so thrilled that Howie and Louie chose me to be in the group. We've been working hard, singing, dancing and recording new songs. Can't wait for you guys to hear the songs.
You can see our promo video on youtube - just type in "NMD video promo". You can hear me in the very beginning of the video. Leave a comment after you see it okay. Luv ya
By Amy S. Rosenberg
Inquirer Staff Writer
EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP, N.J. - Their early notice as part of the tween singing group the Clique Girlz did not, as it turned out, catapult the Monroe sisters of South Jersey to Miley Cyrus heights (though it did lead to a move to Los Angeles, where their home is a couple of miles from Miley's).
And so Destinee, 15, and Paris, 13, will not be Clique Girlz when they are riding the Ikea float in the 6ABC Thanksgiving Parade, accompanied by two school choirs, or singing the national anthem at the Eagles game this Sunday, but reinvented as themselves, Destinee & Paris, back home for the holidays.
The brief history of the Clique Girlz ended in a tween bubble burst: the departure of the third Clique Girl, Ariel Moore, played out on YouTube - an awkward split the girls' mother, Lenore, compared to a divorce. It was a development made all the stranger by the fact that their album, so long in the making, hadn't even been released in the United States yet - though it was kind of big in Japan, actually.
So young, and already so much drama. But to visit with them here in the home their parents never sold, at the end of a cul-de-sac not far from a Super Wawa, to see them with their long, blonde, highlighted tresses, stylish shiny leggings and fashionable anklet boots, still girlish and goofy in that sisterly way, is to learn that these girls still are in the hunt.
read more here.
Happy Thanksgiving friends :)
I have so much to be thankful for today. I'm sending my love and thanksgiving to all of you, my friends who have been there for me and supported me...it means so much. I wish I could hug you all!
Special thanks to my parents...who are always there for me and allow me to live my dream. They've taught me that love is important, to be grateful for what you have, and that life is something special. They have made me strong, and I am thankful for that!!
Thank you, Howie Dorough of the Backstreet Boys. Thanks for believing in me, sharing your insight and talent, and for being there, ready to begin this exciting journey! Lots of love to you, your family, and the Backstreet Boys. You guys rock!
Thank you to my girls in NMD. I'm lucky to have each one of you. We are going to have so much fun! I am blessed by you!
Thanks to all of the industry people & teams that are working with us (there are too many to name!). It means so much that you guys believe in us. You guys are awesome! I never dreamed I would have so much love and support shown to me. From my heart to yours....a big thank you!
God bless you all, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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