Ticket price will be $10 until 10pm. $20 after that.
Show schedule is:
9pm Doors
930pm No More Drama
1015pm Howie
Yes, this is a real concert. You have to buy tickets.
Clique Girlz EP
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 4/29/08
Link: amazon • iTunes
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 8/27/08
Link: amazon
Smile EP
Format: MP3
Release: 10/21/08
Link: iTunes
Despicable Me OST
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 6/6/10
Link: amazon
True Love Single
Format: MP3
Release: 8/23/11
Link: amazon • iTunes
Michael J. Fox Foundation
Type: Charity
Hey everyone, N.M.D.'s first concert performance to benefit Haiti. It's this Tuesday at the Key Club in Hollywood. Doors open at 9PM and N.M.D. goes on at 930PM followed by Howie Dorough and show will end with J. Holiday. The Ticket price will be $10.00 up until 10:00PM and $20.00 after 10:00PM. The address is 9039 Sun...set Blvd, West Hollywood CA. 90069.
Thanks , Louie
Why you choose make a cover of "Stan Up for Love"? What this song represent to you? (PS: I LOOOOVE YOU!) -by natxhypy
Thank you , and Stand Up For Love has always had a special place in my heart. My older sister Amanda Marie has ITP which is a blood disorder and she was in and out of the Hospital for years when she was little and still to this day. When my parents would have to stay with her because they couldnt sleep in the hospital with her there was a place called the Ronald Mc Donald house where all the familys of the sick kids could stay. Stand Up For Love was the song Destinys Child did for the Ronald Mc Donald Campaigne. Since I heard it then I have loved it and have wanted to cover it : )
Just want to thank all of you that have sent us messages and mail about how much you love the music. It makes us feel so good to hear that. We have a lot more coming and we cant wait for you to hear some of our latest. You guys really are amazing supporters and we appreciate every comment and kind word of encouragement and we love you for it. Have a great night and we will hopefully see some of you at our upcoming concert. Date to be determined. We will keep you posted : >
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We are so excited to share this with you. Our Website is up and running. Our music page is full of our clips and our full version of Stand Up For Love is on that page. Hope you enjoy it. Thank you so much to all of the amazing comments about our music. It makes our day to hear that all of our hard work is paying off. You guys are who we do this for, so thank you once again for being so supportive. Enjoy : >
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