Credit: natxhypy & whoever told me about this (:
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Sara Chat Video!
Here's a video of the chat Sara did the day she was in Soho for her photoshoot.
Credit: natxhypy & whoever told me about this (:
Credit: natxhypy & whoever told me about this (:
sara diamond
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sara ONEXONE Calgary Gala!
Ben Affleck Hosts ONEXONE Calgary Gala
CALGARY, CANADA - JUNE 14: Singer, Sara Diamond attends the ONEXONE Calgary Gala at the Commonwealth Centre on June 14, 2008 in Calgary, Canada.
Credit: Sara Diamond Source
Edit: In case anyone didn't see this picture;

sara diamond
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
New NMD Twitpics!

Edit: added a better version. Sorry Kimi's picture account wouldn't load for me earlier. But I got them now (:
N.M.D. pictures
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Concerning Rumors and Lies.
Okay, I am going to say one more thing concerning this topic and then it's done. It's over. It's in the past. I know this is long, but please read it before you say anything about me or my site.
Here's the thing. I didn't get those pictures from P2E. Yes, on P2E's myspace it says:
"Copyright © 2010-2015 P2 Entertainment ("P2E™"). All rights reserved. All elements presented on this website, including the content, musical tracks, graphics, text, logos and images, are the exclusive property of P2E™ and are protected by United States and International Copyright Laws. No content, graphics, text, logos or images may be downloaded or copied from this site without the express written consent of P2E™. Copyright offenders will be prosecuted to the fullest extent as permitted by law. By using this site you agree to comply with all policies associated with it."
Had I got them from that website, I would not have posted them. I can read. I know what it says. I understand Copyright laws.
The first time I was told I could not use their pictures without permission, I took them down. I figured that if my site was told to take them down, that all other sites with them up would be told that as well. I was wrong. All other sites kept theirs up. That didn't seem right.
After that, I put up a video of the girls from their first ever concert. The video did not belong to P2E, it was a fan video. I was not aware that the attendees of the show were told ahead of time that video taping was not allowed. I was asked nicely to take the video down. I did so. P2E was not "mad" or whatever you want to call it at me or my site, they simply told me to take it down and further went after the girl who took the video. Not my site. My site had nothing to do with it.
After that, several new photos of all of the girls were being released that had P2E's tag on them. Again, I did not get them from P2E's sites. I put them up. I was never told to take them down. They were fine with it.
Later, Alissa put up some pictures from a photo shoot she did with P2E. Again, did not get them from P2E's myspace or Alissa's myspace. So I put one up with a link to the rest of the pictures that were on Alissa's myspace, simply to inform fans that she did have new pictures. Therefore, I did not take the pictures, I simply told fans where to go see them. Again, did not get in trouble for this.
So when I got pictures of Alissa from the show a few weeks ago, again NOT off of P2E's myspace, website, or Alissa's myspace ( where the copyright warning is ) I thought I could use them, seeing as how the last few times, it was allowed. I could not put a direct link to the source because not everyone would have been able to see them. So I did upload them to a third party source. I apologize for doing so. I didn't know I wasn't allowed to use them. ( because I did not get them from the site with the Copyright warning. ) They had the P2E tag on them. Most agencies I've worked with before allow their pictures to be used when they have the tag on them and are credited.
But I was told, once again, to take them down. I did so. And further stated that I had, in fact, emailed them at the email address I was given by the same person who told me I could not use them, concerning the "permission" I needed in order to use the photos that they keep telling me about, and that I had never heard back from them. That's all I did. Did I have some attitude when I said it? Yes. I apologize for that. It's extremely frustrating when you are not given equal rights as everyone else.
I am only upset because other websites that don't get the attention that my website gets, are being allowed to use these pictures, while I'm being told every single time that I cannot, and that I need to email them to ask for permission, but when I have tried to do so, I've been ignored. They are making it impossible for my site to use them by ignoring my request, which is being unprofessional.
Trust me, I get it. I understand professionalism, Copyright laws, etc. more than you understand. I've been in this business for over five years. I've dealt with photo agencies, celebrities, managers, etc. many many times. I've gone through this same process before with another celebrity I worked with and it was handled much easier than this has. So please stop making false accusations against me and my website. You don't know the whole story, you don't know the details, you are not involved. I'm sorry if you don't like this website. If that is the case, stop clicking onto it. It's as simple as that. But you don't need to go around calling me and my site names, spreading lies and picking fights. Grow up. Be more mature.
And to whoever left a comment that said
"A good site is made up of reliable information and the owner of this site should be more responsible because it could be sued for slander."
I don't know where you get off saying I'm not responsible. This site has NEVER reported something that wasn't true. Look up what slander means before you start accusing people, kay? The comments that are posted on this site, do not come from the site owner, a.k.a. me. They come from fans that post on here, sometimes anonymously. Therefore, any false information that is said in a comment, is not from this site. Therefore, you cannot say that this site is not reliable and should be sued for slander. And if they could sue commenters for slander, you too would be a contender in that, seeing as how much of what you said is not true facts. So before you get all preachy about things you don't know about or understand, do your research as well. Long story short, no one is forcing you to read the comments. If you read a comment posted by a fan, and it turns out to be false information, my site is not responsible for that.
And lastly, I'd like to thank all of the fans that have always been loyal to this site. I have become such good friends with many of you and I appreciate your support, loyalty, and help. I apologize for the drama that sometimes comes from this site. I hope you continue to visit this site despite some of the rude people that like to cause these problems. I plan on continuing to be the number one provider of information about all of the girls ( Destinee, Paris, Ariel, NMD, and Sara ) and hope that you will continue in that with me. As soon as I get news about Destinee & Paris, I will provide you with it. I cannot make there be news about someone when there isn't any. But please stick with Clique Girlz Media, I will be having exciting news soon as well as many more rares and exclusives that I have been saving for you guys (:
Here's the thing. I didn't get those pictures from P2E. Yes, on P2E's myspace it says:
"Copyright © 2010-2015 P2 Entertainment ("P2E™"). All rights reserved. All elements presented on this website, including the content, musical tracks, graphics, text, logos and images, are the exclusive property of P2E™ and are protected by United States and International Copyright Laws. No content, graphics, text, logos or images may be downloaded or copied from this site without the express written consent of P2E™. Copyright offenders will be prosecuted to the fullest extent as permitted by law. By using this site you agree to comply with all policies associated with it."
Had I got them from that website, I would not have posted them. I can read. I know what it says. I understand Copyright laws.
The first time I was told I could not use their pictures without permission, I took them down. I figured that if my site was told to take them down, that all other sites with them up would be told that as well. I was wrong. All other sites kept theirs up. That didn't seem right.
After that, I put up a video of the girls from their first ever concert. The video did not belong to P2E, it was a fan video. I was not aware that the attendees of the show were told ahead of time that video taping was not allowed. I was asked nicely to take the video down. I did so. P2E was not "mad" or whatever you want to call it at me or my site, they simply told me to take it down and further went after the girl who took the video. Not my site. My site had nothing to do with it.
After that, several new photos of all of the girls were being released that had P2E's tag on them. Again, I did not get them from P2E's sites. I put them up. I was never told to take them down. They were fine with it.
Later, Alissa put up some pictures from a photo shoot she did with P2E. Again, did not get them from P2E's myspace or Alissa's myspace. So I put one up with a link to the rest of the pictures that were on Alissa's myspace, simply to inform fans that she did have new pictures. Therefore, I did not take the pictures, I simply told fans where to go see them. Again, did not get in trouble for this.
So when I got pictures of Alissa from the show a few weeks ago, again NOT off of P2E's myspace, website, or Alissa's myspace ( where the copyright warning is ) I thought I could use them, seeing as how the last few times, it was allowed. I could not put a direct link to the source because not everyone would have been able to see them. So I did upload them to a third party source. I apologize for doing so. I didn't know I wasn't allowed to use them. ( because I did not get them from the site with the Copyright warning. ) They had the P2E tag on them. Most agencies I've worked with before allow their pictures to be used when they have the tag on them and are credited.
But I was told, once again, to take them down. I did so. And further stated that I had, in fact, emailed them at the email address I was given by the same person who told me I could not use them, concerning the "permission" I needed in order to use the photos that they keep telling me about, and that I had never heard back from them. That's all I did. Did I have some attitude when I said it? Yes. I apologize for that. It's extremely frustrating when you are not given equal rights as everyone else.
I am only upset because other websites that don't get the attention that my website gets, are being allowed to use these pictures, while I'm being told every single time that I cannot, and that I need to email them to ask for permission, but when I have tried to do so, I've been ignored. They are making it impossible for my site to use them by ignoring my request, which is being unprofessional.
Trust me, I get it. I understand professionalism, Copyright laws, etc. more than you understand. I've been in this business for over five years. I've dealt with photo agencies, celebrities, managers, etc. many many times. I've gone through this same process before with another celebrity I worked with and it was handled much easier than this has. So please stop making false accusations against me and my website. You don't know the whole story, you don't know the details, you are not involved. I'm sorry if you don't like this website. If that is the case, stop clicking onto it. It's as simple as that. But you don't need to go around calling me and my site names, spreading lies and picking fights. Grow up. Be more mature.
And to whoever left a comment that said
"A good site is made up of reliable information and the owner of this site should be more responsible because it could be sued for slander."
I don't know where you get off saying I'm not responsible. This site has NEVER reported something that wasn't true. Look up what slander means before you start accusing people, kay? The comments that are posted on this site, do not come from the site owner, a.k.a. me. They come from fans that post on here, sometimes anonymously. Therefore, any false information that is said in a comment, is not from this site. Therefore, you cannot say that this site is not reliable and should be sued for slander. And if they could sue commenters for slander, you too would be a contender in that, seeing as how much of what you said is not true facts. So before you get all preachy about things you don't know about or understand, do your research as well. Long story short, no one is forcing you to read the comments. If you read a comment posted by a fan, and it turns out to be false information, my site is not responsible for that.
And lastly, I'd like to thank all of the fans that have always been loyal to this site. I have become such good friends with many of you and I appreciate your support, loyalty, and help. I apologize for the drama that sometimes comes from this site. I hope you continue to visit this site despite some of the rude people that like to cause these problems. I plan on continuing to be the number one provider of information about all of the girls ( Destinee, Paris, Ariel, NMD, and Sara ) and hope that you will continue in that with me. As soon as I get news about Destinee & Paris, I will provide you with it. I cannot make there be news about someone when there isn't any. But please stick with Clique Girlz Media, I will be having exciting news soon as well as many more rares and exclusives that I have been saving for you guys (:
“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.”
- Winston Churchill
mod post
Message from Ariel!
I Just wanted to share a little something with all of you. Actually its not little at all its HUGE , MASSIVE, SO IMPORTANT, MONUMENTAL and LIFE SAVING. This thing is free, its life changing, its brave and its the only thing that keeps us all going. This thing is POSITIVITY !!!!!! FInd something nice to say or do to with someone and spread this life saving, life changing energy. Positive thinking, behavior, speech and actions are what makes a good person good. Dont point out someone's flaws, or what they have done wrong ,or what they can do better. Point out the good things, we all have something good in us that people can see if we are true to ourselves and not Phony. I will start by saying Thank you to all of my friends for sending me lovely messages, letters, tweets, comments ect. Those are the Positive things that make me appreciate my life and my career so much. To be able to share my self and my gifts with all of you and know that its appreciated is why I do what I do. I love you all so Thanks again. Dont forget, I started the Positive energy so keep it going by saying something nice to just one person and see how you can make someone's day : )
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Sara Diamond Photo Shoot in Soho!
It looks as if Sara has been busier than we realized. Here is a bit of Sara's photo shoot from this morning.

sara diamond,
Friday, February 12, 2010

NMD's show last night was with the LA based band called Press Play, not the New York band Push Play ( CJ, Nick, Steve, and Derek ). Push Play has temporary broken up and are not doing any other shows besides the two that are already scheduled. Plus they have been snowed in all week in New York. They were not in Los Angeles. Press Play, however, performs at Angelus Temple every Thursday night and Sunday morning in Los Angeles. Two different bands. Hope this clears up the confusion (:
mod post
Sad News On Jessica.
Unfortunately, Jessica, the 9-year-old girl with cancer, has lost her battle today. As most of you know, her father passed a few weeks ago and now Jessica has left this earth to be with him once again. Please keep Jessica and her family in your prayers, this cannot be easy for anyone.
Ariel left this message on her youtube a few minutes ago
We love you Jessica, you were an inspiration to so many. May angels lead you in.
Ariel left this message on her youtube a few minutes ago
havemoorefun (17 minutes ago)
To Jess,
By now you have your brand new body and have no more sickness or pain. You can look forward to dancing and singing and never feeling bad again. By now Jesus has taken you into his arms and is telling you how much he loves you and that you are his and always have been. By now you are meeting some of your relatives that passed before you and are probably laughing and telling funny stories. I may never have met you here in this life, but I will some day in a better life. The life that we all look forward to having. You are one of the lucky ones that gets to be in the most perfect place before a lot of us. I love you. Rest in Peace with Jesus.
We love you Jessica, you were an inspiration to so many. May angels lead you in.
mod post
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
New NMD Show!

Location: Angelus Temple , 1100 Glendale Blvd, LA CA, 90026.
When: Thursday, February 11th 2010
Time: 7:00 PM
What: Stand Up For Love for Haiti
tour dates
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Another NMD Video!
"Stand Up For Love"
Credit: SugarPlumFairy818
thanks everyone for letting me know about this (:
Credit: SugarPlumFairy818
thanks everyone for letting me know about this (:
Friday, February 5, 2010
Key Club NMD Videos!
"Good Enough"
"Party Tyme"
Credit: LeaL714
"Bye Bye"
credit: SugarPlumFairy818
and thanks so much marcela for telling me about the last two :)
"Party Tyme"
Credit: LeaL714
"Bye Bye"
credit: SugarPlumFairy818
and thanks so much marcela for telling me about the last two :)
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