I love Destinee's ring! So cute :D
Clique Girlz EP
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 4/29/08
Link: amazon • iTunes
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 8/27/08
Link: amazon
Smile EP
Format: MP3
Release: 10/21/08
Link: iTunes
Despicable Me OST
Format: CD & MP3
Release: 6/6/10
Link: amazon
True Love Single
Format: MP3
Release: 8/23/11
Link: amazon • iTunes
Michael J. Fox Foundation
Type: Charity
Hi friends,
Looking back on everything I have done I think to myself. What a wild ride. It was all worth it. And I have had some of the most incredible opportunities, and some of the most humbling experience's. I can say that I have, even though I'm just almost 17 done quite a lot and had so much fun doing all of it. Some of it was a little bumpy at times, but what is life with out a little turbulence right? Anyway to get to the point of my message, is that I sort of feel like I am finally just beginning. I am on a new and exciting journey and for the first time in a long time, feel like I am listening to myself and doing what I feel is right for me. Growing up and not knowing all the right moves sometimes can cause you some heart ache and confusion but if you just keep going and NEVER give up on your dreams they really do just start to unfold for you. If God wanted you to look back he would of put eyes in the back of your head, but remembering and appreciating the journey and all of the people you had the pleasure to work with is part of it. You have to remember some of the pain and pleasure so that when you finally are where you want to be you appreciate it. That is where I am now. Appreciating everything that is coming my way and I feel blessed to have new opportunities, new people, and a new vision for my life which was always there but I couldn't see it quite yet. I Guess because God does things in his own timing and you just have to let go and trust it. I am going to have fun, have new friends, and have the time of my life. Everyday is going to be a gift and I am going to enjoy every single one of them with my family and friends. From the little things to the monumental things I am going to appreciate all of it. Because it all has a way of making you see who you really are and become the person you were always meant to be. I love my life. The point is,, I LOVE! And that is where I want to be. Thank you to all of my friends who have supported me and still Love me. Without you I wouldn't have continued on this path which is doing what I Love and that is Music. My music. For all of the writers and producers that are just pouring on the music lately Thank you so much. I love all of it. Listening and learning what I really Love is such an incredible feeling and an awakening. There are so many talented people in this world. And when you know where you want to be God just puts you with the perfect ones. Again, thank you. And now I am off to make some new memories, new music, and I am going to appreciate all of it and all of you for enjoying the journey with me. I love you all and Remember, ~Don't be a second rate version of somebody else, when you can be a first rate version of yourself. ~Judy Garland. Stay blessed.
layin on da couch "trying" 2 relax w/ crazy princeton after n amazing shoot.. Our whole team is so dope! #teamdandp
The blonde back-up singers are sister group Destinee & Paris, who used to be part of the girl group Clique Girlz. Destinee and Paris are signed to Interscope Records and were chosen by the show's producers and Jimmy Iovine to provide back-up vocals. The sisters, 15 and 16, sang back-up on Haley Reinhart's "Rolling In The Deep" a few weeks back.
Destinee & Paris' mother was seated next to us during the show and told us that the girls think Scotty is "so cute." After the performance, she was sure a lot of the girls watching were going to be jealous of the blonde sisters who shared some screen-time with "Idol's" resident Country boy. We wouldn't be shocked.
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