Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Movie Awards Video!

at 12:45 AM


Anonymous said...

I dont mean to be mean but I dont like the way Paris acts and talks. She just sounds so stuck-up. I dont know what to think anymore...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, paris is trying to act too grown up.
Look at some of the old videos, like back this time last year.
It's amazing how much a person can change.
She isnt 13 and a half, she's barely 13 xD

Anonymous said...

She's just trying to answer the questions they're asking. Plus that's how it's done in show biz - you go to the media events and network with the other stars and aspiring stars, to get your name out there. And yeah, she's way different from a year ago - that's how fast they change at that age. And despite being a year and a half younger than Destinee and Ariel, she always was the "front man" of the group because she's the best talker and has the best social skills. And she is so 13 1/2 - her birthday's in January.

Speaking of which, Happy Birthday to Destinee, one week from today. (She'll be 15.)

Anonymous said...

shes not 13 and a half she just doesnt want the entertainment industry people to think shes too young shes tryin to make herself look grown up and destine red LIPSTICK???

Anonymous said...

networking does not mean trying to look 18 when you are clearly barely even 13! other people on other posts have commented about how they are glad the girlz have lost their "disney" look and are more into their own styles, which i think is great! But, when they start acting twice their age its a bit too far.
and while i'm commenting, any new on sara or ariel??
and is keana really soon to be the new clique girl?

cliquegirlzmedia on June 9, 2009 at 4:57 PM said...

networking does not mean trying to look 18 when you are clearly barely even 13! other people on other posts have commented about how they are glad the girlz have lost their "disney" look and are more into their own styles, which i think is great! But, when they start acting twice their age its a bit too far.
and while i'm commenting, any new on sara or ariel??
and is keana really soon to be the new clique girl?

i agree with you. Acting/looking twice your age can be a bad thing in Hollywood. Sure it can get you places, but it has it's bad sides too.

as for Sara and Ariel, Ariel is still working on her album and tending to her nephew! and Sara is taking her exams and finishing the school year! :]

Anonymous said...



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