I want you to get to know me. My manager always tells me "You have to connect with your fans." and I believe it!! I'm really excited to start doing this, telling you about my days, my feelings, posting cute pics and to talk to you!!! So, comment my posts and i'll comment back :)
read more here: Paris' Blog
What about destinee?
nope! destinee is not having a blog! but i think if shes going to make one they will tweet about it :D
why not i love d
Since I apparently can’t post to Paris’ blog, I’ll post here what I tried to post there, in response to the blog entry "Things you don't know about me...":
Hi, Paris - I sincerely admire your talent and charm, as well as that of your sister. I haven't always been kind to your mother in my comments, but I swear to you on my honor that I raised the questions I did out of concern for you girls (as well as for Ariel's sake). So may I please respectfully ask you, in your very most honest opinion, regardless of how it may have come about, do you feel that Ariel may have been treated less than equitably in the promotion of the careers of Ariel, Destinee and yourself?
Don’t get me wrong. If something like this DID happen, it doesn’t necessarily mean that there was any malicious intent. Like a lot of people, I’m just trying to make sense of the reports we’re all hearing.
By the way, don’t worry about being seen as “weird”. The truth of the matter is, there’s no way to be able to offer something that others can’t offer without some people seeing you as “weird”. Besides, in any event, as a celebrity you can get away with it. Remember the definition of “eccentric”: “weird, but rich and famous, and therefore allowed to be that way”. Not that I want to encourage you to think that you have a right to do things other people don’t have a right to do. I’m just saying that people will allow you to do what we all should be allowed to do: to not conform to what others think we should do.
you just love drama don't you? why do you want to ruin this for everyone? seriously... just get over it
Its not about ruining anything, Its about Being fair , and honest , and knowing that it was just a very sad situation. That is why parents should stay mom and dad , not momagers and dadagers if you can call it that. If you listen to ariel now and watch her now with her new friends and group it is more then obvious to me what happened and to allot of other people to.. Just listen to a few of her solo songs , Stronger , and Living on the edge. Thats all I needed to hear to know they didnt want her voice to truly be heard in any of the songs. I will say I love ariel moore and I cant wait to follow her career which im sure will be long and successful, I also love destinee and paris and think the same success will come to them as long as they get proper guidance and are treated well. Not like divas but as sweet young ladies . That is what I hope for them.
I'm the one who posted the comment starting with "Since I apparently can’t post to Paris’ blog", but I didn't post the comment starting with "Its not about ruining anything". I'm sure there are lots of people who would like to ask D&P the same kind of questions. And no, I don't love drama, Lenore. In response to Paris' post on her blog, I really was just asking her for her take on the situation (assuming the response to my question - or the original blog post, for that matter - really come from her). And just for the record, Paris, of course you love your mother, and you should. No one that I know of is accusing your mother of being an evil person. They're just upset about what happened.
I agree its not about being mean and stuff its about speaking the truth ya know? I think that person was just telling it like it was. Good luck with your blog paris but I agree w previous poster 100%
agree w the last post. Some ppl think that just because they or their mom know famous ppl that they are all that. Take all the pics you want. Smile for the camera. It IS about WHO you are and WHAT you do...no who you are seen with. And sorry the sisters dont have a great track record w Ariel..they behaved BADLY <:(
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