Friday, May 29, 2009

Another Mod Post ; please read!

at 10:28 PM
I'm sorry, but I am extremely frustrated right now. Certain websites, blogs, etc. have been stealing information directly off of my blog; word for word. They're stealing my layouts, my stories, my information, my pictures, MY THOUGHTS, basically my entire site. Can we please stop doing this? Do you not understand that this is rude? I take the time to design layouts, physically construct these layouts, code them and put them up. I dedicate the time and energy to keep this site updated constantly. Every time there's new information, new pictures, new interviews, new anything I am right there typing up the stories, coding the stories, cropping and uploading the pictures and so much more to bring all of the information about the clique girls to you guys! And then i turn around and see MY work on other sites. How is that fair? Once again, I am flattered that you enjoy my site so much, but can you please respect my site enough to not steal things from me? Put things into your own words, find your own sources, do your own work or don't do it at all. What's the point of making a complete duplicate of my site? All the information is already on my site, why just copy it to another site and slap your name on it? It's not fair to me. I'm not trying to sound conceited or rude, but it's extremely frustrating to see my work on other sites when I took the time out of my life to do this for you. Especially if these site don't even credit my site. I understand that there are a few other Clique Girlz sites, and being two of the best sites out there right now!, I'm not talking about them. Yes, news is bound to be copied onto other sites because it's news. But when you're taking my personal thoughts, my designs, my graphics; that's just stealing. And it's extremely frustrating. I'm sorry for the long rant, but it needed to be said. If you took hours upon hours to make something, or to write something and someone else took it without even acknowledging that it was yours, you wouldn't be happy either. So please, think twice before you copy and paste things from my blog. thanks.

And a huge thanks to CliqueGirlzOnline for awarding Clique Girlz Media the Site of The Month award!


Samar, Farah, amd Sarah on May 30, 2009 at 7:54 AM said...

We at CliqueGirlzFan.Com just heard about this post through an e-mail and we wanted to say thank you. And we absolutely agree with you. We don't think people realize how time-consuming it is to make a fansite, and have your work copied and pasted onto another site. It has happened to us a few times, and it just isn't fair.
Thank you for that, and we love your site!

cliquegirlzmedia on May 30, 2009 at 2:37 PM said...

^ aw thank you so much Samar, Farah, amd Sarah! and you're welcome. i know i've seen your work copied a bunch of times as well and it just isn't fair. your site is amazing and i know how much time and energy it must take to run it. keep up the amazing job! and i really hope people get the message and stop stealing from all of us. :)

Samar, Farah, amd Sarah on May 30, 2009 at 2:57 PM said...

Thanks so much. It does take a lot of time and energy, doesn't it? Some people just don't care though, do they?


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